Can ChatGPT write an effective book summary?

Trev de Vroome
11 min readDec 19, 2022


The power of the written narrative

I have long been a fan of the power of summarising as a self-deveopment tool. The forced process of building knowledge through comprehension, synthesis, reflection, and reframing is a powerful reinforcement tool for learning.

Through it I have writing a number of book summaries which I’ve shared via this channel — all aimed at a single overarching goal; to help me develop my knowledge and skills.

Disrupting education with ChatGPT

The power of the written narrative isn’t new to most — and has gained increased traction with companies like Amazon, and their writing culture (wonderfully captured in Colin Bryar and Bill Carr’s book Working Backwards).

Writing has become the norm for most — and yet there’s a new disruptor on the horizon in the form of ChatGPT by ChatGPT aims to revolutionise the generation of content with its AI Driven chat bot, capable of seemingly amazing feats, including — writing your college essay, writing code, running linux, or writing an entire book

While it can produce content that is ‘good enough’ and requires only light editing — is it really good enough to replace a carefully constructed book summary?

Can ChatGPT create a quality book summary?

Well — let’s find out. Using ChatGPT, I used the following prompts to fully generate the book summary you can find below:

  • What is the resonating message in ‘Hit Refresh’ by Satya Nadella
  • Write summaries for each chapter of the book ‘Hit Refresh’ by Satya Nadella
  • What is the key principles from chapter X in ‘Hit Refresh’ by Satya Nadella

Let’s take a look at what it produced?

Hit Refresh

by Satya Nadella

Amazon | Book Depository

Resonating Message

The main message of “Hit Refresh” by Satya Nadella is the importance of embracing change and innovation in order to stay competitive and drive positive growth in both personal and professional settings. Nadella emphasizes the role of empathy and a growth mindset in this process, arguing that they are crucial for fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. He also discusses the role of technology in shaping the future and how companies can use it to drive positive change. Overall, the book encourages readers to embrace a mindset of constant learning and growth, and to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things in order to stay relevant and successful in a rapidly changing world.

Chapter in one sentence

  1. The Future Computed
    In this chapter, Nadella discusses the impact of technology on society and how it is shaping the future. He discusses the potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence and how it can be used to augment human capabilities rather than replacing them. He also explores the ethical considerations that come with the development and use of technology.
  2. Empathy: The New Leadership Imperative
    In this chapter, Nadella argues that empathy is essential for effective leadership. He explains how empathy allows leaders to connect with others and understand their perspectives, which in turn helps to foster collaboration and drive innovation. Nadella also shares his own experiences with empathy and how it has helped him to lead Microsoft through difficult times.
  3. Cultural Renewal
    In this chapter, Nadella discusses the importance of diversity and inclusion in driving innovation and success. He shares examples of how Microsoft has worked to create a more inclusive culture and the benefits it has seen as a result. Nadella also discusses the role of unconscious bias in hindering diversity and how leaders can work to overcome it.
  4. Reinventing Productivity
    In this chapter, Nadella discusses the changing nature of work and how technology is transforming the way we think about productivity. He talks about the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in automating certain tasks and freeing up people to focus on more meaningful work. Nadella also discusses the importance of work-life balance and the role of technology in helping people to achieve it.
  5. The Intelligent Cloud and the Intelligent Edge
    In this chapter, Nadella discusses the concept of the “intelligent cloud” and how it is driving the evolution of technology. He explains how the cloud allows businesses to store and process vast amounts of data and how this is enabling the development of new technologies such as the “intelligent edge,” which brings computing power to the physical world. Nadella also discusses the importance of cybersecurity in this context.
  6. Empowering Developers
    In this chapter, Nadella discusses the role of developers in driving innovation and the importance of empowering them to build the tools and technologies of the future. He shares examples of how Microsoft has worked to support and encourage developers, including through initiatives such as hackathons and open-source projects.
  7. The Future of Gaming
    In this chapter, Nadella discusses the growing importance of gaming in the tech industry and how it is shaping the future of entertainment. He talks about the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing the gaming experience and the potential for virtual and augmented reality to revolutionize the way we interact with games.
  8. The Future of Education
    In this chapter, Nadella discusses the potential for technology to transform education and how it can be used to make learning more accessible and personalized. He shares examples of how Microsoft is working to support educators and students through initiatives such as the Minecraft Education Edition and the LinkedIn Learning platform.
  9. Hit Refresh
    In this final chapter, Nadella discusses the concept of “hitting refresh” and how it is essential for businesses and individuals to continuously reinvent themselves in order to stay relevant and successful. He shares his own experiences with hitting refresh at Microsoft and offers advice for anyone looking to do the same in their own lives and careers.

1. The Future Computed (P1–34)

  • Empathy is a crucial skill for leaders and organizations, as it allows them to understand and connect with others on a deeper level.
  • A growth mindset, or the belief that one can continually learn and grow, is essential for success in a rapidly changing world.
  • Empathy and a growth mindset go hand in hand, as they both involve an openness to new ideas and a willingness to learn from others.
  • To foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning, leaders must create a safe and inclusive environment where employees feel comfortable taking risks and sharing new ideas.
  • Empathy and a growth mindset can also help individuals overcome challenges and setbacks, and can lead to greater personal and professional success.

2. Empathy: The New Leadership Imperative (P35–62)

  • AI has the potential to transform various industries and enhance the productivity and efficiency of tasks and processes.
  • However, AI also brings with it ethical and societal concerns, such as the potential for job displacement and the need for responsible data management.
  • It is important for leaders and policymakers to consider the potential consequences of AI and to ensure that its development and deployment is aligned with ethical values.
  • In order to fully realize the potential of AI, there must be a focus on diversity and inclusion in the field, as well as on the development of AI systems that are transparent, accountable, and explainable.
  • AI has the potential to drive positive change and improve the quality of life for individuals and societies, but it must be approached with caution and responsibility.

3. Cultural Renewal (P63–96)

  • Technology has the power to transform lives and organizations, and Microsoft is committed to using it to drive positive change.
  • In order to achieve this goal, Microsoft is focused on creating technology that is accessible and inclusive, and that empowers people to achieve their full potential.
  • To achieve this, Microsoft is committed to a culture of continuous learning and innovation, and to creating a safe and inclusive environment where employees can share ideas and collaborate.
  • Nadella also discusses the importance of partnerships and collaborations in driving positive change and empowering individuals and organizations.
  • By empowering people and organizations around the world through technology, Microsoft hopes to create a more connected, prosperous, and inclusive world.

4. Reinventing Productivity (P97–120)

  • The future of work will be driven by technology and innovation, and will require a new set of skills and capabilities in order to stay competitive.
  • The rise of automation and artificial intelligence will change the nature of work, and will require individuals to adapt and continuously learn new skills.
  • In order to succeed in this new world of work, individuals and organizations must embrace a culture of continuous learning and be open to new ideas and ways of doing things.
  • Collaboration and teamwork will be increasingly important in the future of work, and companies will need to create a culture that fosters creativity and innovation.
  • Technology and innovation have the power to drive positive change and create new opportunities, but they also bring with them ethical and societal concerns that must be addressed.

5. The Intelligent Cloud and the Intelligent Edge (P121–138)

  • Technology has the power to connect people and facilitate communication and collaboration, which can help to strengthen democracy and promote social justice.
  • However, technology also brings with it ethical and societal concerns, such as the potential for manipulation and the need for responsible data management.
  • It is important for policymakers and leaders to consider the potential consequences of technology and to ensure that it is used in a way that is transparent, accountable, and respectful of individual rights and freedoms.
  • Technology has the potential to drive positive change and improve the quality of life for individuals and societies, but it must be approached with caution and responsibility.
  • In order to fully realize the potential of technology to strengthen democracy and promote social justice, there must be a focus on diversity and inclusion in the field.

6. Empowering Developers (P139–168)

  • India has the potential to be a global leader in technology and innovation, due to its diverse and highly skilled population and its growing economy.
  • However, in order to fully realize this potential, there must be a focus on education and on creating a culture of innovation and continuous learning.
  • Technology has the power to drive positive change and improve the quality of life for individuals in India, but it must be approached with caution and responsibility.
  • In order to fully realize the potential of technology to drive positive change in India, there must be a focus on diversity and inclusion in the field.
  • India has the opportunity to lead the way in using technology to drive positive change and create a more connected, prosperous, and inclusive world.

7. The Future of Gaming (P169–194)

  • The future of personal computing will be driven by technology and innovation, and will involve a more seamless and natural integration of devices and software.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a significant role in the future of personal computing, and will enable devices to better understand and respond to human needs and preferences.
  • The future of personal computing will also involve a greater focus on privacy and security, as people increasingly rely on technology to manage and store sensitive information.
  • Personal computing has the potential to transform the way we live and work, and to create new opportunities and efficiencies.
  • In order to fully realize the potential of personal computing, there must be a focus on diversity and inclusion in the field, and on the development of technologies that are transparent, accountable, and explainable.

8. The Future of Education (P195–210)

  • The future of gaming will be driven by technology and innovation, and will involve a more immersive and interactive experience for players.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a significant role in the future of gaming, and will enable games to better understand and respond to player needs and preferences.
  • The future of gaming will also involve a greater focus on accessibility and inclusivity, as the industry looks to reach a wider audience and provide a more diverse range of gaming experiences.
  • Gaming has the potential to transform the way we interact with technology and the world around us, and to create new opportunities and efficiencies.
  • In order to fully realize the potential of gaming, there must be a focus on diversity and inclusion in the field, and on the development of technologies that are transparent, accountable, and explainable.

9. Hit Refresh(P211–234)

  • Quantum computing has the potential to solve complex problems and drive innovation in fields such as healthcare, energy, and finance.
  • Quantum computing involves the use of quantum bits (qubits) to perform calculations, which allows it to perform certain tasks much faster and more efficiently than traditional computers.
  • While quantum computing is still in its early stages, it has the potential to drive significant progress and innovation in a variety of industries.
  • In order to fully realize the potential of quantum computing, there must be a focus on research and development, and on the development of technologies that are transparent, accountable, and explainable.
  • Quantum computing has the potential to transform the way we live and work, and to create new opportunities and efficiencies.

The Good

It’s much quicker to produce a summary

With ChatGPT I was able to product a book summary approx. ~92% faster than it would have taken me.

Reading a book is time consuming for most. ‘Hit Refresh’ is a typical book length, with 81k words, and an estimated reading time of 3h and 52m for the average reader.

To produce a summary, I would read the book twice — taking extra time on the second pass to write, create digrams, and research. This would take the ~12h of effort to create a book summary, to the < 60m it has taken for me to produce this summary.

The results are good at a glance

To skim read the summary, and particular the ‘chapters in one sentence’ — ChatGPT does a commendable job in covering the content. It provides legible paragraphs, that capture the essence of those chapters — and the key points contained within them.

The Bad

The bot struggles to differentiate chapters

While the short summaries are good, when prompted with “What is the key principles from chapter X in ‘Hit Refresh’ by Satya Nadella” — the bot would struggle with chapters, confusing what is a chapter, what it was named:


  • It thought Chapter 9 was called “The Future of Quantum Computing” where it is actually called “Restoring Economic Growth for Everyone”
  • ChatGPT thought there was a Chapter 10 (hint, there isn’t)

The bot would duplicate key points across chapters

Within the chapter summaries, it would also repeat similar points with slightly different wording within the principles it would supply for chapters.


  • The first line of Chapter 7’s principles was “The future of personal computing will be driven by technology and innovation” — and the first line given for Chapter 8’s principles was “The future of gaming will be driven by technology and innovation”
  • Or in Chatper 7 — it noted “Personal computing has the potential to transform the way we live and work”, while also in Chapter 10 (which doesn’t exist in the actual book), it gave a very similar answer “Quantum computing has the potential to transform the way we live and work”

Writing isn’t dead, it’s just easier

Overall — I would say that while I’m plesantly surprised with the technology and what it can do, it clearly needs considered application, review, and prompt creation to support creators seeking to develop book summaries.

But am I tempted to adopt it for my writing?

No. For me, the power of self-reflection, and developing a deeper understanding to shape something into my own words is the key value I get from my summaries. While I’m glad my summaries can be useful for others — more important than that is I obtain self-development, growth, and understanding that can be recalled and used beyond this writing.

So creators — yes, ChatGPT can help you accelerate production. But learners, ChatGPT may help you submit that essay — but it won’t help you develop the knowledge and skills underlying the essay and what it aims to convey.



Trev de Vroome

Information technology program and agile transformation leader, change catalyst, and educator.